Buying life insurance can be difficult as you age. The older you are, and the more health issues you have, the more it ends up costing. Not many people think of using life insurance to pay for retirement, but using term life insurance is a great way to support your future and the future of those you care about.
Pairing term life insurance with smart budgeting and other investments can give you the stability you need. The last thing anyone wants is for a breadwinner to pass away, leaving the family without enough to get by. If you’re serious about retirement, and the comfort of your family, talk to Matador Insurance; they can pave the way to a simple and secure retirement.
What Is Term Insurance?
Term life insurance, or pure life insurance, is life insurance that pays a given death benefit if the person who is insured dies within a specified period. When starting this sort of policy, the amount of the return is calculated based on several factors.
The duration of the term, payment amount, and health factors all play a key role. Still, there is more information insurers may choose to investigate, like your driving record, family history, hobbies, and more.
Term life insurance is the least costly form of life insurance, especially compared to a whole life policy. The key to term life insurance is that if the insured person dies within the specified term, such as 10, 20, or 30 years from the start date, the policy will pay out in the amount agreed. If the term expires, you can renew the coverage for another term, but the rates are not guaranteed to be the same.
Term Insurance and Retirement
Term life insurance can be a useful retirement savings tool. It provides a safety net in case a breadwinner passes away and the family doesn’t have the savings to sustain their standard of living. Because this policy is also much cheaper than a whole life policy, it leaves plenty of disposable income for the short term.
With the disposable income from choosing a term policy instead of a whole life policy, there are a few investments and budgeting decisions everyone should make to ensure a safe retirement strategy.
The important thing is to recall how much more money is saved by choosing a term policy. Of course, everyone’s situation is different, but the price of a whole life policy can often be much higher annually. The technique often referred to by investors is called “Buy term and invest the rest.”
After choosing the life insurance that best suits your situation, a smart next step is to create an emergency fund for yourself, in case of any big bills you must pay. This suggested fund should be in the ballpark of 3 to 6 months of living expenses, which should be enough to keep any contributions to retirement funds intact.
After a retirement fund, it’s a good idea to consider another possible scenario. It’s possible that there could be an accident leaving someone injured, which would not engage the term life insurance. That needs to be covered by a separate policy. There are several ways to approach disability insurance; the important thing is not to leave yourself vulnerable to an accident.
Insurance provides you a way to plan for your future, so make sure to plan for every outcome; otherwise, you might totally squander your investments. If you feel like there are cracks in your coverage, the best advice is to analyze your plan with professionals, like the experts at Matador Insurance.
Invest the Rest with the Best
With the money you save choosing term life insurance, you have a lot of flexibility to make other investments with your disposable income. Of course, it’s smart to choose other coverages like disability insurance, but that will likely still leave you with money to spare. The best course of action is to invest in your retirement.
A 401k or an IRA is a common choice, as they provide tax-free options to save some money until you’re at retirement age. Another possibility, although missing the tax benefit, is to choose an index fund from a mutual fund firm or a brokerage company. By choosing an index fund, your investment is spread across many different segments of the stock market, protecting you from any single sector’s natural highs and lows.
There’s no better time than now to plan for your future. If you’re worried about your family in the case of an incident, make a proactive choice and reach out to Matador Insurance. With experts to explain each choice in detail and help you weigh the best options available, you’ll have the peace of mind to enjoy the years leading up to retirement.